We ship world wide
We ship many products to overseas. Please Contact us.
The display is in Japanese yen.
If you would like to know it on US$ price, please multiply the displayed amount by ”JPY-USD” .
Exchange rate
ex. Japanese yen 1000 = US$ 0
We will use EMS (Express Mail Service) for shipping.
Japan Post link:International Shipping rate.
Many of our products will be shipped in less than 800g/set.
Tracking number are sent through email.
Our products will be shipped from warehouse GRID,Inc.
We are not responsible for any tariffs and taxes that may be charged on international orders.
This fee is charged by the country of destination, if you are unsure about your laws and regulations please contact your local post prior to purchasing to find out the package value limit.
We accept the following forms of payment:
- PayPal
- Bank transfer (Inward bank charge +JPY2000)
Exchange Rate will fluctuate.Therefore the correct cost will be notified when ordering.
Distributors Welcome
Contact us, if you are interested in learning more or wish to become a distributor of mlabo.
Mlabo shall not be responsible for any damage caused to persons or equipment during the installation or operation of the product. The Mlabo product is race-use only and does not claim about the unit's ability to comply with local safety or emissions regulations. Product documentation, advertisements, our website, and other specifications manufactured and distributed may be subject to change by Mlabo's decision without notice. Mlabo is not liable for any claims or damages arising out of the use of the document or the use of the module based on that document, including but not limited to claims or damages based on infringement of patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights.